Organic - inorganic nanocomposite , which are the complex of inorganic nanopraticles with organic compound , is a popular study subject in nanoscale composite . the nanocomposite can not only take advantage of several advantage , but also produce new properties . in this thesis , taking account of the problems in electrorheological fluids such as high leakage current , low yield stress and stability , the pan - batio3 nanocomposite with different structure are prepared by in - situ complex technology and modified sol - gel method 根据目前电流变液中出现的问题(如屈服应力不够高,漏电流密度不够低,稳定性不够好等问题) ,基于聚苯胺有较高的热稳定性,且密度又小,特别是聚苯胺的介电常数和电导率均可按需调整,此外,钛酸钡无机纳米粒子作为一种无机铁电体,在电场作用下具有自发极化的能力,一方面可以为体系提供高的介电常数,另一方面又可保证体系的绝缘性能。